In order to achieve the nonsmooth surface drag reduction structure on the inner polymer coating of oil and gas pipelines and\nimprove the efficiency of pipeline transport, a structuralmodel of the machining robot on the pipe inner coating is established. Based\non machining robot, an experimental technique is applied to research embossing and coating problems of rolling-head, and then\nthe molding process rules under different conditions of rolling temperatures speeds and depth are analyzed. Also, an orthogonal\nexperiment analysis method is employed to analyze the different effects of hot-rolling process apparatus on the embossed pits\nmorphology and quality of rolling.The results also reveal that elevating the rolling temperature or decreasing the rolling speed can\nalso improve the pit structure replication rates of the polymer coating surface, and the rolling feed has little effect on replication\nrates. After the rolling-head separates from the polymer coating, phenomenon of rebounding and refluxing of the polymer coating\noccurs, which is the reason of inability of the process. A continuous hot-rolling method for processing is used in the robot and the\nhot-rolling process of the processing apparatus is put in a dynamics analysis.